In my search for tips to train our little Chloe, I came upon several articles about how all dogs live in a social order, needing to feel like they're following their 'Alpha'. Failure to provide this type of environment leads your dog to feeling 'stressed' and destructive behaviour such as biting, digging, defiantly doing their business inside your home, etc as they attempt to make up for the lack in leadership.
We, as humans were created to be leaders in our own 'world'. There aren't just a few of us who are superior and destined for it, but rather only those who recognize and act on the God-given ability to lead within them!
“Great leaders are also Great Followers.”
Like Chloe, we are all influenced by someone or something. We are not only leaders, but as this quote says, we are followers as well.
Great leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Abraham Lincoln are all admired for their courage and boldness to stand and fight for what they believed in. However, they were all great followers of a Great Leader as well! In fact, the Greatest that ever lived and continues to live today!
But Jesus Himself, also was a Great Follower when He walked this earth. He was obedient all the way to His death and only did what His Heavenly Father told him to, despite His divinity.
So as I am Chloe's 'Alpha', I along with you must ask myself 'Who' is mine? Do I recognize that I was created to Lead? But most of all, Am I too a Great Follower?"