The escape into the neighbour's yard continues - despite our attempts to watch her and stop her. In some ways, it seems to be less threatening; that is, when she responds, and returns when called.
However lately, Chloe's picked up a little 'sass' and will literally look us straight in the face and pretend like she didn't hear us or see us at all. Kind of a tough problem to rectify when you're hollering for her without being able to go over and grab her because she's on the other side of the fence! You are literally at the mercy of her just growing tired of sniffing around, and eventually returning when she feels like it. A little scary and definitely unacceptable behaviour. It was time to get back to the basics of her training, and remind her why she's better off obeying and coming home.
So, what did I do? Well, I figured, it's a nice warm day. Chloe is going to get dehydrated and hot eventually, and will then want indoors where the temperature is cooler and her bowl of water awaits her. Not to mention, there's always the possibility of picking up some scraps indoors, and who could ignore the joys of 'belly-rubs'!
So, I cranked the door open so she could smell the food while I made lunch, but shut the screen door. And when she did return, before I so willingly let her in or scolded her, I left her out to miss being inside a little. It was hard, she cried and whined but eventually realized that not responding to the invitation to enter when it was an option was not a wise decision as the door would not always be 'open' so to speak
We so often get distracted by the different ideas, images, and thoughts that the world constantly bombards us with. Billboards, music, videos, games, movies, the idea of getting rich quick, not having enough, not being skinny enough, the weight of the bills, emotional burdens, etc etc. It's so easy to let it all get us down. To feel like failures. To feel hopeless. To feel like we're not successful or just not good enough. But that is not the Truth. The Truth sets us free from social expectations, family expectations, and sometimes, even our own expectations. We can be so hard on ourselves even if no one else knows we are. But God says that you are precious to Him. Jesus paid the price of His blood so that you could be free, be whole, be filled with Life and enjoy it. Live with a purpose, a unique design. You were awesomely (if that's a word) and wonderfully made! Made in His image, with a desire for the supernatural, to know Him, deep inside of You. A Unique Master piece, created for Greatness!
But it's so easy to forget or ignore all of this in a world that is constantly screaming at you with an array of voices - all at the same time!
And that's when it's time. Time to get back to the Basics. Time to take some time alone away from the pressures and screaming voices of the world, and find a quiet place. Time to connect with your Creator who loves you and adores you, and let Him lavish His love upon you. Allow Him to remind you that you were created for so much more than the so-called pressures of your own little world. Remind yourself of what He says about you in His Word. You have the opportunity to leave a mark, a legacy, an opportunity to be like your Heavenly Father and give. Live to make a difference in others lives, and enjoy life to the fullest.
You see, He will often let us wander around till we decide to come home. Till we realize that we were better off in His love. The world can be a hot, cruel and lonely place, but know that when you decide to walk into His doors, His water of refreshing and grace are always there for you. The time is now, while the door is still open. For none of us can guarantee our tomorrow. Once you're in, you'll wonder why you ever left at all :)
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