Since my last blog, we have moved to the beautiful city of Burlington. It has been quite an adjustment and Miss Chloe-as I like to call her-was quite confused by all the various people and places she's seen, that's for sure. There were moments where she even seemed quite depressed and we've noticed that she seems to finally-for the most part-recognize who her owners are! A bit of a relief as she was quite content going home with anyone who gave her significant attention prior to! Haha!
Asides from ceramic floors throughout the home (which Chloe and I don't really like - let me add), we were having some issues with the plumbing at the kitchen sink a week ago. It got to be quite frustrating as I used every ounce of Grace given to me to remain calm and not totally flip out. "All I want is a clean plate to eat on, is that too much to ask for??!!" I thought, as I kept washing dishes and putting them to dry in the sink to my right where they'd get dirty AGAIN! How you ask? Well....somehow the water kept rising in the side it was supposed to be drying in & I of course, kept removing the dishes and putting them back in the other side to wash again. So I tried the plunger - quite an ordeal for a pregnant woman (oh yes, I probably haven't mentioned that before in my blogs - I'm pregnant!! Yay!) and then tried again. Eventually, I realized that my right sink wasn't the only problem, the water seemed to be flooding in the left first and then into the right!! I was at my wits end. The amalgamation of boxes and plastic bags, and unpacking etc was already waking me up from my sleep as I desperately would keep unpacking and thinking of where to put things - Even in my dreams!! Aaaahh!! I had had enough! I let out a big sigh and decided that Chloe and I were going for a walk.
The fresh air was beautiful and I had a good opportunity to admire God's beautiful creation and calm down. Something that I have learned to do and appreciate from Chloe actually :) And then it happened. We met a nice Scottish gentleman with a Don Cherry type dog - I have no idea what it's called - but he was kinda cool looking. I'd had seen him & chatted very briefly before about our dogs once before. However, this night, he actually seemed to be in the mood to chat. It wasn't very long before I asked him what he did for a living. And guess what? Yes, out of all the people I could've met at 7:30pm that night, I had met a 'plumber'!!! Yay!!! I asked my questions about clogged sinks, Drano and plungers and he was able to provide me with directions to solve the problem in a minute or so!
As I walked back home, a sense of peace and joy came over me, as I was overwhelmed by God's love for me and my silly flooding sink. I thought "Wow, I know that was You. You heard my weary sigh and totally set that up for me. I didn't even take the time to talk to you about it, but You are faithful all the time!"
I remembered as I did the dishes that night how attentive I am to Chloe's every whimper and cry. I know her normal and abnormal behaviour and I'm aware of what she can handle and where she needs some assistance. I realized that if I as a human could do this with a little dog, (and my child too who's on its way), how much more Our Creator God, Our Heavenly Father who cares about our every need?
He's so much bigger than us, outside of time and space, Creator of the galaxies and heavens that continue to expand beyond our measure...and He stopped to listen to my sigh about my sink!
Can you feel His Love? He certainly wants you to.
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