God speaks through puppies
Life lessons learned raising a puppy
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
God speaks through puppies: "A Soft Answer turns away wrath."
God speaks through puppies: "A Soft Answer turns away wrath.": You have probably heard the statement, 'You can catch more bees with honey' right? Interestingly enough, this statement (although it talks a...
"A Soft Answer turns away wrath."
You have probably heard the statement, 'You can catch more bees with honey' right?
Interestingly enough, this statement (although it talks about bees) does not just apply to the way we respond to one another (I'll get to this a bit later) but also our pets, specifically dogs, or maybe just our Chloe.
We still have to remind Chloe about behaviour that she should know is bad by now every once in a while. And often, as a child would, she'll test us anyways, knowing better! It actually baffles me at times at how she still seems to think that she's smarter than us from time to time, and actually believes that we will not see through her cunning antics!
I've recently noticed though, that something very interesting happens when we tell her that she's a 'good' girl. Her little ears perk up immediately, and she stands at attention. Now, this could very well be associated with her expectation of a treat of some kind to follow (her entire world seems to revolve around food it seems - I can finally identify being in my 2nd trimester lol!), but it works in circumstances where food is not around as well. If we want her to comply with our request and are having a difficult time getting her to obey, affirming that she's a good dog seems to have a profound effect, and she immediately quits the stubborn act and gives in.
Now, I said that I would come back to this earlier - if this would work on my little 7lb puppy dog, I imagine the impact that it would have on a human. We all know the effect that a kind word has on our disposition. How a nice compliment or encouragement can really make our day! How much more those who around us? How much more in a time when with everything in you, you want to come down on someone, and in some cases, rightly so?
However, it is far more effective and wiser to affirm good behaviour or be grateful for things you appreciate, or that were done right instead. This works in our marriages, with our children, in our friendships and workplaces, and the best part is, all of us are wired the same way, so it is sure-fire to succeed every time!
Easier said than done? When I think about it, I realize that God practices this with us every day - and more so to the degree that we allow Him to. None of us are perfect, and we all have our own shortcomings. Jesus has promised that despite it all, He would never leave us and promises us good things. We can be assured that by His presence within us, we have received His grace, His empowerment to resist lashing out in a heated or negative situation, and answer 'softly' with honey instead.
Now, let me get up close and personal with this. What does this look like in action? Well, for me, I have noticed a tendency to get really upset when things are not done in somewhat of a systematic order. Well, not just any systematic order, but the way that I have lined them up - this is more so true in my own domain, home that is. I like things done a certain way, I want my hubby to comply with it and adapt and since he's the closest one to me (as God forges us from two into one more and more each year) we certainly as any normal couple, have our 'issues.' (I would question anyone couple who says they don't I might add).
However, despite my tendency to get upset or critical over something, I've made a decision that with God's help, I will not get rude or disrespectful in the way that I respond to him. This is regardless of whether it's heated and I'd be justified in my own mind to do so, or there was no reason provoking me to do so at all. And do you know what I've found? My marriage, like little Ms. Chloe has been better than ever as a result! We are able to get along better, instead of losing our patience with one another as so many couples do once married. Am I lying? Do we not see all the negative implications towards marriage and the implications that your life will be 'hell' after (excuse my language) all over tv, movies etc?
Well, I'm saying today that it does not have to be, and with some effort to continue to be loving and respectful, positive affirmation goes a long way -- even with a little mischievous puppy!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
God speaks through puppies: Your Every Sigh
God speaks through puppies: Your Every Sigh: "Well, it's about that time again. It looks like this is turning out to be more a monthly blog, which is okay as I'm sure that most of you ge..."
Your Every Sigh

Since my last blog, we have moved to the beautiful city of Burlington. It has been quite an adjustment and Miss Chloe-as I like to call her-was quite confused by all the various people and places she's seen, that's for sure. There were moments where she even seemed quite depressed and we've noticed that she seems to finally-for the most part-recognize who her owners are! A bit of a relief as she was quite content going home with anyone who gave her significant attention prior to! Haha!
Asides from ceramic floors throughout the home (which Chloe and I don't really like - let me add), we were having some issues with the plumbing at the kitchen sink a week ago. It got to be quite frustrating as I used every ounce of Grace given to me to remain calm and not totally flip out. "All I want is a clean plate to eat on, is that too much to ask for??!!" I thought, as I kept washing dishes and putting them to dry in the sink to my right where they'd get dirty AGAIN! How you ask? Well....somehow the water kept rising in the side it was supposed to be drying in & I of course, kept removing the dishes and putting them back in the other side to wash again. So I tried the plunger - quite an ordeal for a pregnant woman (oh yes, I probably haven't mentioned that before in my blogs - I'm pregnant!! Yay!) and then tried again. Eventually, I realized that my right sink wasn't the only problem, the water seemed to be flooding in the left first and then into the right!! I was at my wits end. The amalgamation of boxes and plastic bags, and unpacking etc was already waking me up from my sleep as I desperately would keep unpacking and thinking of where to put things - Even in my dreams!! Aaaahh!! I had had enough! I let out a big sigh and decided that Chloe and I were going for a walk.
The fresh air was beautiful and I had a good opportunity to admire God's beautiful creation and calm down. Something that I have learned to do and appreciate from Chloe actually :) And then it happened. We met a nice Scottish gentleman with a Don Cherry type dog - I have no idea what it's called - but he was kinda cool looking. I'd had seen him & chatted very briefly before about our dogs once before. However, this night, he actually seemed to be in the mood to chat. It wasn't very long before I asked him what he did for a living. And guess what? Yes, out of all the people I could've met at 7:30pm that night, I had met a 'plumber'!!! Yay!!! I asked my questions about clogged sinks, Drano and plungers and he was able to provide me with directions to solve the problem in a minute or so!
As I walked back home, a sense of peace and joy came over me, as I was overwhelmed by God's love for me and my silly flooding sink. I thought "Wow, I know that was You. You heard my weary sigh and totally set that up for me. I didn't even take the time to talk to you about it, but You are faithful all the time!"
I remembered as I did the dishes that night how attentive I am to Chloe's every whimper and cry. I know her normal and abnormal behaviour and I'm aware of what she can handle and where she needs some assistance. I realized that if I as a human could do this with a little dog, (and my child too who's on its way), how much more Our Creator God, Our Heavenly Father who cares about our every need?
He's so much bigger than us, outside of time and space, Creator of the galaxies and heavens that continue to expand beyond our measure...and He stopped to listen to my sigh about my sink!
Can you feel His Love? He certainly wants you to.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
God speaks through puppies: Back to the Basics
God speaks through puppies: Back to the Basics: "It's about the time for a new blog and on queue, Chloe's mischief has taught me yet another lesson. The escape into the neighbour's yard co..."
Back to the Basics
It's about the time for a new blog and on queue, Chloe's mischief has taught me yet another lesson.
The escape into the neighbour's yard continues - despite our attempts to watch her and stop her. In some ways, it seems to be less threatening; that is, when she responds, and returns when called.
However lately, Chloe's picked up a little 'sass' and will literally look us straight in the face and pretend like she didn't hear us or see us at all. Kind of a tough problem to rectify when you're hollering for her without being able to go over and grab her because she's on the other side of the fence! You are literally at the mercy of her just growing tired of sniffing around, and eventually returning when she feels like it. A little scary and definitely unacceptable behaviour. It was time to get back to the basics of her training, and remind her why she's better off obeying and coming home.
So, what did I do? Well, I figured, it's a nice warm day. Chloe is going to get dehydrated and hot eventually, and will then want indoors where the temperature is cooler and her bowl of water awaits her. Not to mention, there's always the possibility of picking up some scraps indoors, and who could ignore the joys of 'belly-rubs'!
So, I cranked the door open so she could smell the food while I made lunch, but shut the screen door. And when she did return, before I so willingly let her in or scolded her, I left her out to miss being inside a little. It was hard, she cried and whined but eventually realized that not responding to the invitation to enter when it was an option was not a wise decision as the door would not always be 'open' so to speak
We so often get distracted by the different ideas, images, and thoughts that the world constantly bombards us with. Billboards, music, videos, games, movies, the idea of getting rich quick, not having enough, not being skinny enough, the weight of the bills, emotional burdens, etc etc. It's so easy to let it all get us down. To feel like failures. To feel hopeless. To feel like we're not successful or just not good enough. But that is not the Truth. The Truth sets us free from social expectations, family expectations, and sometimes, even our own expectations. We can be so hard on ourselves even if no one else knows we are. But God says that you are precious to Him. Jesus paid the price of His blood so that you could be free, be whole, be filled with Life and enjoy it. Live with a purpose, a unique design. You were awesomely (if that's a word) and wonderfully made! Made in His image, with a desire for the supernatural, to know Him, deep inside of You. A Unique Master piece, created for Greatness!
But it's so easy to forget or ignore all of this in a world that is constantly screaming at you with an array of voices - all at the same time!
And that's when it's time. Time to get back to the Basics. Time to take some time alone away from the pressures and screaming voices of the world, and find a quiet place. Time to connect with your Creator who loves you and adores you, and let Him lavish His love upon you. Allow Him to remind you that you were created for so much more than the so-called pressures of your own little world. Remind yourself of what He says about you in His Word. You have the opportunity to leave a mark, a legacy, an opportunity to be like your Heavenly Father and give. Live to make a difference in others lives, and enjoy life to the fullest.
The escape into the neighbour's yard continues - despite our attempts to watch her and stop her. In some ways, it seems to be less threatening; that is, when she responds, and returns when called.
However lately, Chloe's picked up a little 'sass' and will literally look us straight in the face and pretend like she didn't hear us or see us at all. Kind of a tough problem to rectify when you're hollering for her without being able to go over and grab her because she's on the other side of the fence! You are literally at the mercy of her just growing tired of sniffing around, and eventually returning when she feels like it. A little scary and definitely unacceptable behaviour. It was time to get back to the basics of her training, and remind her why she's better off obeying and coming home.
So, what did I do? Well, I figured, it's a nice warm day. Chloe is going to get dehydrated and hot eventually, and will then want indoors where the temperature is cooler and her bowl of water awaits her. Not to mention, there's always the possibility of picking up some scraps indoors, and who could ignore the joys of 'belly-rubs'!
So, I cranked the door open so she could smell the food while I made lunch, but shut the screen door. And when she did return, before I so willingly let her in or scolded her, I left her out to miss being inside a little. It was hard, she cried and whined but eventually realized that not responding to the invitation to enter when it was an option was not a wise decision as the door would not always be 'open' so to speak
We so often get distracted by the different ideas, images, and thoughts that the world constantly bombards us with. Billboards, music, videos, games, movies, the idea of getting rich quick, not having enough, not being skinny enough, the weight of the bills, emotional burdens, etc etc. It's so easy to let it all get us down. To feel like failures. To feel hopeless. To feel like we're not successful or just not good enough. But that is not the Truth. The Truth sets us free from social expectations, family expectations, and sometimes, even our own expectations. We can be so hard on ourselves even if no one else knows we are. But God says that you are precious to Him. Jesus paid the price of His blood so that you could be free, be whole, be filled with Life and enjoy it. Live with a purpose, a unique design. You were awesomely (if that's a word) and wonderfully made! Made in His image, with a desire for the supernatural, to know Him, deep inside of You. A Unique Master piece, created for Greatness!
But it's so easy to forget or ignore all of this in a world that is constantly screaming at you with an array of voices - all at the same time!
And that's when it's time. Time to get back to the Basics. Time to take some time alone away from the pressures and screaming voices of the world, and find a quiet place. Time to connect with your Creator who loves you and adores you, and let Him lavish His love upon you. Allow Him to remind you that you were created for so much more than the so-called pressures of your own little world. Remind yourself of what He says about you in His Word. You have the opportunity to leave a mark, a legacy, an opportunity to be like your Heavenly Father and give. Live to make a difference in others lives, and enjoy life to the fullest.
You see, He will often let us wander around till we decide to come home. Till we realize that we were better off in His love. The world can be a hot, cruel and lonely place, but know that when you decide to walk into His doors, His water of refreshing and grace are always there for you. The time is now, while the door is still open. For none of us can guarantee our tomorrow. Once you're in, you'll wonder why you ever left at all :)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
God speaks through puppies: Kibbles vs. that other stuff
God speaks through puppies: Kibbles vs. that other stuff: "I have been noticing a new trend infiltrating society: schools, churches, politics, corporations and families as of late, and it's been very..."
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